Hack a Wi-Fi Network's WEP Password

Today we're going to run down, step-by-step, how to crack a Wi-Fi network with WEP security turned on. But first, a word: Knowledge is power, but power doesn't mean you should be a jerk, or do anything illegal. Knowing how to pick a lock doesn't make you a thief. Consider this post educational, or a proof-of-concept intellectual exercise.

Many Windows users here are struggling to hack WiFi networks because most of the tutorials are based on BackTrack and other Linux Tools .

Im just sharing the method to Crack WiFi networks using WEP security protocol . The WEP is a very vuarable to attacks and can be cracked easily. It takes about 5-6 hours if the password is weak a high signal of the WiFi network you are going to hack and you have sometimes 10-12 for more complicated passwords and if the WiFi signal of the Network is weak. The time taken also changes if the WiFi network you are going to hack has many other clients already accessing it .

To crack a Wi-Fi network, you will be using two tools :

1 : Commview for WiFi :

  • You will use this tool for capturing the packets sent and recieved through the Access Point you are going to hack .
  • The more packets you capture the better chances of cracking the password .
  • You will need more than 1,00,000 minium packets to crack the password .
  • The packets will be captured in the .ncp format .
  • You will use this tool to convert the .ncp to .cap .

Note : Some WiFi cards are supported by Commview only in Windows 7 so i suggest you install Win 7 in ur Virtual Machine if ur card isnt supported .

2 : Aircrack-Ng GUI :
  • You will use this tool to crack the password of the Access Point using the .cap files you obtained from the Commview application .

Note : You need to run this as administrator .

I have provided links for both the software below ..............just read on.

wifi hacking

Follow the steps below to hack a Wi-Fi Network's WEP password,

Step 1: Free Download Aircrack-NG GUI and Commview for Wifi.

Note : Some Anti Viruses might detect Aircrack as a virus . It is a false positive .

Step 2: Install CommView for WiFi . It doesnt matter whether you install it in VoIP mode or Standard mode . I used VoIP. It automatically installs the necessary drivers . Allow it to install .

Note : You will not be able to connect to any Network using WiFi when using CommView .

Step 3: Click on the PLAY ICON in the Left First .

Step 4: A new window should pop up now. Click on the START SCANNING button.

Step 5: Click on the WiFi network you want to hack in the Right Coulumn and Click on CAPTURE.

Note : This tutorial is only for WEP protected networks .

Step 6: The windows should close now and you should see that CommView has started Capturing Packets.

wifi hacking

Step 7: Now that the Packets are getting captured you need to Save them. Click on Settings->Options->Memory Usage, Change Maximum Packets in buffer to 20000

Click on the LOGGING Tab .
In the Maximum Directory Size : 2000
Average Log File Size : 20

Now CommView will automatically Start Saving packets in the .ncp format at a size of 20MB each in the specified directory.

Step 8: Since you are capturing a lot of logs you will need to concatenate them into once file .
To do this go to Logging and click on CONCATENATE LOGS. Choose all the files that have been saved in your specified folder and Concatenate them .

Now you will have one .ncf file.

Step 8: Now that you have one file with all the packets you need to Convert it into .cap file for AIRCRACK to crack.

Click on File->Log Viewer->Load Commview Logs-> Choose the .ncf file

Now File->Export->Wireshark/TCP dump format .

Step 9: Now for the Second Part Cracking this is very simple. Just open the Aircrack Folder->Bin->Aircrack-ng GUI.exe and run it,

Now, choose the .cap file and you should be able to do the others .

Credit : m4dh4ck3r

If you have any questions or having problems post a thread il reply .

This is a simple tutorial. There is more advance using the rules and stuff but I havnt used it yet. This worked for me. Hope it will also help you to hack a Wi-Fi Network's WEP password.


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